Home > Contact

The coffee machine is always on so drop by for a cup. Our address is:
Kiwanotech AB

Hedenstorpvägen 5c, 554 75 Jönköping. Sweden
The easiest way to reach us is to use the personal contact details below

Stefan Ericsson


Tel. 0708-340043
Maila Stefan
Wasim Mansour

IT and molding tool construction

Tel. 0708-340042
Maila Wasim​​​​​​​
Jens Nygårdh Brändström

Design and Product Development

Tel. 0708-340045
Maila Jens
Fredrik Lennartsson

Product Development

Tel. 0708-340046
Maila Fredrik
Boel Arlock

Design and Product Development

Tel. 0708-340048
Maila Boel
Tomas Arnerdal

Product Development

Tel. 0726-669550​​​​​​​
Maila Tomas
Joakim Lundberg

Production Manager

Tel. 0708-388920
Maila Joakim
Robert Hamren


Philip Valfridsson
